SISA Canvas – Edition 3 Cybersecurity conversations for a safer tomorrow

Data sprawl is generating a vast volume of data, fueling innovation and differentiation in the digital payments space. The global cost of a data breach has increased 10% YOY to $4.88 million in 2024, driven by business disruption, post breach-customer support & remediation. 21% of customers polled state they will never return to a business that fails to secure their data. Businesses need to stay competitive; businesses need true security; business need to stay compliant to ensure continuity.

As businesses expand across borders and regulations force them to become more effective at managing sensitive data, we talk to leading experts from Industry.  Leaders who are shaping the future of compliance and security by being proactive in their approaches to data protection and governance.

In the third edition of SISA CANVAS, we talk about navigating the future of compliance with Data protection and governance frameworks at the core of every company’s data management policy.

What’s inside?

  • 2 power-packed conversations with industry leaders on navigating compliance with data discovery and classification.
  • Exclusive interview with SISA’s forensics expert on the criticality of data classification and managing international regulations.
  • SISA’s take on the strategic integration of AI to counter challenges in data privacy and classification.
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